Cultivating a Life of Gratitude

I am committing myself, during 2010, to attempt to cultivate a greater awareness of how much I have to be thankful and grateful for by sharing my daily findings and musings with you. It is my hope that by blogging about gratitude, I will be more aware of what is going on around me in my life, my family, my friends' lives and our world.

January 27, 2010

J-Term is OVER!

We survived! 

Ross has been teaching Introduction to the Bible this January at Bethel.  It was a morning class beginning at 8 a.m. going until 10:45 a.m. every day. Usually I sleep until 8 a.m. (thank you, Ross!).  So, this January E-man and I have had extra morning bonding time.   While this extra hour or so has been okay and mostly good once my body adjusted to a little less sleep, I'm really looking forward to returning to our normal 'schedule'.  I'm spoiled - I know - but I'm also REALLY thankful for a husband who gets up with the boy, feeds him breakfast and brings him to me all happy and ready to play. 

This January has taught me to be very grateful for
1.  A husband who works hard
2.  The extra money from this class he has been teaching

 Most importantly ...
3.  I'm thankful for the way he serves me on our 'regular' mornings by taking care of our early morning riser.  :)

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