Cultivating a Life of Gratitude

I am committing myself, during 2010, to attempt to cultivate a greater awareness of how much I have to be thankful and grateful for by sharing my daily findings and musings with you. It is my hope that by blogging about gratitude, I will be more aware of what is going on around me in my life, my family, my friends' lives and our world.

September 7, 2010

Some days ...

I'm just really thankful when bed time arrives ... for the little man and for me.  It's been one of those days - what can I say?  All mom's out there can relate - so can anyone who takes care of kids and has experienced an especially whiny, crying, clingy kind of day.  Perhaps it's the 'terrible twos' rearing their ugly head or perhaps it's a reaction to how busy we have been during the wedding season of the past 3 weeks.  Whatever it is, tonight I'm REALLY grateful for bed time.

1 comment:

  1. It's been a long time since I was a mom of a little one, but I well remember bedtime being the time of day I really looked forward to! You're a great mom, Em - that's why you're so tired at the end of the day! :)
