Cultivating a Life of Gratitude

I am committing myself, during 2010, to attempt to cultivate a greater awareness of how much I have to be thankful and grateful for by sharing my daily findings and musings with you. It is my hope that by blogging about gratitude, I will be more aware of what is going on around me in my life, my family, my friends' lives and our world.

July 18, 2010

Delayed Saturday Post Because ...

The Tornado sirens went off in my county for about 45 minutes last night.  They started blaring right at bed time ... so down to the basement we went. [Side note, I usually blog in the evening after E-man goes to bed but last night everything was little bit 'not routine' :)] Ross thought this kind of silly I think because he's a MN boy so he actually stayed on the main level watching the TV reports while I hunkered down in the hallway reading library books to E-man and receiving texts my family a few miles away who were in their basement and reporting the news updates to me.  Me and E-man read about ten stories and he played with a few toys we brought down, too.  Thankfully the tornado stayed about 2 miles north of us but that was the most scared I've been in about 2 years.  The last time I remember being in the basement because of a bad storm was about a few days after E-man was born and Jake and Stephanie and maybe my Mom were over?!  Jake and Ross stayed upstairs that time too and all of the girls plus baby E-man went to the basement.  Here is the really funky sky right at the end of the storm.  

I am thankful we were safe and sound and I'm always thankful for the reminder of how powerful God is through experiencing the power that exists in His creation ... storms like last night definitely give me some perspective!

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking about you as we watched the doppler, gathered up S and headed to the basement. Glad you're ok! And what a freaky-looking sky!
