Cultivating a Life of Gratitude

I am committing myself, during 2010, to attempt to cultivate a greater awareness of how much I have to be thankful and grateful for by sharing my daily findings and musings with you. It is my hope that by blogging about gratitude, I will be more aware of what is going on around me in my life, my family, my friends' lives and our world.

July 21, 2010

"My Do It"

I'm mostly grateful for the new saying that has arrived in our home during the past week or so.

"My do it!"

This is our 2 year old's way of saying "I can do it"or "I want to do it".

It's an expression of independence which is healthy and good.  I know it might get old, so I'm documenting it right now for my readers and saying I'm thankful he is up for the challenge of 'doing it myself' and expressing this to me on a regular basis.  

1 comment:

  1. We hear "I do it" or "I want it" or simply just "meeeeeee" around our house and I love it too! I love how they have figured out what they want, now if only I can figure out what Nora wants when I hear those phrases!
