Cultivating a Life of Gratitude

I am committing myself, during 2010, to attempt to cultivate a greater awareness of how much I have to be thankful and grateful for by sharing my daily findings and musings with you. It is my hope that by blogging about gratitude, I will be more aware of what is going on around me in my life, my family, my friends' lives and our world.

February 15, 2010


I've written about how thankful I am for the quality group of guys Ross has in his life and after a wonderful morning 'chat' with one of my college girlfriends, I was inspired to write about my girlfriends.  I have an abundance of wonderful girl friends.  I have been able to get back in touch with some friends from high school recently thanks to facebook and it's been so fun to 'see' their lives and hear about what is going on with them and their families.  Facebook makes the miles between us somehow feel fewer.  Most of those friends I have known from elementary school through high school. Partly because I was so far away for the college years, I didn't keep up communication very well, so it's been fun to reconnect.

It was during college that I met the girls who really helped me to figure out myself during those transformative years.  They have walked beside me through lots of internal struggles and big life decisions.  They are the 'iron that sharpens iron' in my life, still, to this day and for that I am extremely grateful.  I realize we may not always live within driving distance of each other, but right now, while most of us live relatively close to each other, what a blessing they continue to be in my life!

I'll see if I can post any pictures but I am thankful for all of you girls who have been a part of my life in some form or another.  I am truly blessed by friendship.  

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